Small Business Google Listing

How Good is Your Google Business Profile?

Google Business Profile makes a significant influence on your digital footprint.

Claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile is one of the best things you can do to help your company rank higher in Google search results. Google Business Profile puts a local face on your findings, which we’ve heard for months is the next step in search engine optimization. Via a Google Business Profile search, you pull information from Google Search, and Google Maps, extending the opportunities businesses have for reaching you and vice versa. If you own a business, you can add your contact information to Google Business Profile and it will automatically be indexed by all applicable Google products.

Small Business Business Profile

Bringing Customers into the Fold

Using your social media platforms, your customers can go link  your Google profile  and add reviews or ratings linked to your Google Business Profile.

When a person searches for the nearest content writer, they can find everything from contact information, directions via Google Maps, and an option to place a call online via Google Voice. It doesn’t matter if someone is using an  Android or iPhone, Kindle Fire, or laptop — they can access businesses on a local basis thanks to Google Business Profile.

The New SEO Star

The idea here is that, using Google Business Profile, you can create a more meaningful search. For example, if you Google “copywriters in Melbourne,” you are most likely interested in finding copywriters who actually work or live in Melbourne. At the present, a Google search of ‘copywriters in Melbourne’ will bring up only two actual copywriters based in Melbourne, along with dozens of international copywriter companies, not exactly the wealth of local listings you’d expect.

However using Google Business Profile, you can enter the name of a business and find a map and contact information for the closest business to you of that name. Verification numbers are required for adding a business to this site, which should reduce the instance of errors or falsified data.

Your Content Marketing Strategy

My advice to you? Get onto Google Business Profile immediately and create an optimised listing. Consider optimizing your Google My Business page by filling out as much information as accurately as possible. Be sure to add photos, strategically choose categories that best fit your company and go the extra mile by building out a Q&A section. Contact SME Design for assistance.

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